So I'm late... here is this year's Halloween poem! I think it's a worthy successor to
last year's. Also, my roommates and I watched "
Ringu" earlier (the Japanese horror film that inspired the American version, and it turned out to be a huge let down. It was much more annoying than scary. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the day in whatever your usual way happens to be.
Shallow Graves
I dug a grave for you that day,
And I dug a grave for me.
Two graves I dug alone that day,
Near that cottage by the sea.
The wind was bitter, full of spite,
And filled with iced debris.
But still I dug those graves for us
Near that cottage by the sea.
The waters thundered against the rock
And swallowed up my plea
For a shred of silence while I worked
Near that cottage by the sea!
When I pushed you in, your eyes stared up
Begging to be set free.
But I broke your gaze, like you broke my heart,
Near that cottage by the sea.
Your eyes begged for mercy, tenderness,
But to that I could not agree.
Were your eyes so grim, when you met with him
Near that cottage by the sea?
You may take your mercy, and tenderness,
To cold eternity!
For I could never let you find peace
Near that cottage by the sea!
When you were covered, firm and pressed,
I smiled out of glee
And stepped into my own resting place
Near that cottage by the sea.
I then took a swig (oh, how sweet it was!)
From that bottle half empty
And blanketed myself in cool, damp earth
Near that cottage by sea.
As I lolled there, I thought of you
My poor, sweet, ruinous Marie.
Was that the fate we were meant to take
Near that cottage by sea?
A sudden gasp, an empty breath,
As the numbness took hold of me.
My eyes grew dim, my light gone out,
Near that cottage by the sea.
So there we lay, the three of us,
A star-crossed family.
You, and I, and his unborn child
Near that cottage by the sea.
Copyright © 2009 Jarred Lee