Acrostic: "A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence."
This is the seventh entry in my Acrostic Adventure series. Where is this mysterious woman leading him? Is this just another mind game cooked up by whoever, or whatever, lies beneath the Overlooked City? It seems that those peaceful days have been left far behind.
Stuck On The Ground
Curious thoughts and surreal fantasies
Hover high overhead like
Ancient abstract paintings that were only
Slightly washed away.
Is the veil covering this lost city
Not as thick as he once believed?
Glimpses of color in gray surroundings.
Color that begins to fade as the woman
Leads him deeper into the
Opaque graveyard of cold
Understandings and decayed emotions.
Do not allow peaceful moments to be taken for granted.
Sometimes simplicity is hard to find.
Copyright © 2009 Jarred Lee
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