Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lost Hits 100 At Long Last

So tonight is Lost's 100th episode and it promises to be quite the shocker. The season has been doing really well so far so I hope everyone tunes at 9pm Eastern.

Also, for anyone interested in a little bit of Lost history, recently posted up a memorial for deceased characters, and one not so deceased one. Go here and check it out!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

WCG Ultimate Gamer

So apparently this show has been able to fly completely under my radar since March 10th, which is probably a good thing considering the fact that it looks so bad. Though I am kind of excited to see the context of that cheesy "cue explosion" scene at 2:45. It just looks too hilarious.

I am going to check out the first episode on Hulu (which is an awesome site that you should go support) and then come back here for a quick review. Feel free to go here to check the show out for yourself.

Monday, April 27, 2009

MvC2 Finally "Announced" For PSN and XBLA

Today, Marvel and Capcom finally decided to officially announce a new release of Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes for the Playstation Network and the Xbox Live Arcade. I say officially here because there have been rumors posted all over the internet for months now about the release, but for those loyal fans who were watching the countdown on the announcement was especially exciting because the moment the clock hit zero the lyrics to a song from the original release played and then a link opened up to the trailer shown above. I was watching 24 at the time and forgot about the site, but my friend reminded me through a slightly hilarious text message.

Anyway, the game is set to include an online multi-player mode and has the current release date of Summer 2009. The price for the download will be $15 on the PSN and 1200 Microsoft Points on the XBLA. A playable demo is set to drop on the PSN on April 30th and no XBLA demo has been announced as of yet. (Though it would only be fair if they never get a demo because the PSN never got a demo for Street Fighter 2 HD Remix).

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This Day in Calvin and Hobbes: April 23, 1993

Just because what fascinates us happens to be idiotic doesn't mean that idiocy is the essence of our minds. It just means that we're not afraid to embrace our curiosity. If the red button shocks you when you press it, press it again to make sure the results are consistent and then wonder why you're being shocked.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Artist Spotlight #3: Peerro

Peerro is an artist that I have been wanting to do a spotlight on for some time now. His style is dark, disturbing, silly, and fun at the same time. What really made him a legend in my book, however, was the fanart picture he drew a few months ago of Eli from "Let the Right One In." I am really glad it has gotten such a good response from the public.

Anyway, what I find amazing about Peerro is that he creates his own original characters while still having just as much fun drawing more recognizable characters in his own style. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the pictures I have chosen to spotlight here and you should definitely go check out his full gallery as soon possible.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Possibly the Final Harry Potter Trailer

So hopefully this is the last of the Half-Blood Prince trailers. They have finally committed to putting a date at the end of this one, though I hear they may be moving it up two days, and it is by far the longest. I won't be holding my breath, though.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin: Yoshi's Cookie

"Ash stuffs her face in a spoof on this classic video game."

Finally, another Hey Ash that I found to be somewhat funny! They got a bit lazy for a while there.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Peace of Mind

Acrostic: "A poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto, or message when read in sequence."

This is the first of a series of acrostic pieces that I plan on writing in the upcoming months. I am doing so because I really enjoyed writing Subtle Revelations last year and I thought it would be interesting to do a series of acrostics that come together to form a story... and what better way to begin than with an end?

Peace of Mind

Calculated slights in favor of
Larger happenings and new beginnings.
Open your heart and
Seek forgiveness in mutual
Relinquish your misguided feelings of hopelessness.
Everyone needs something to believe in.

Copyright © 2009 Jarred Lee

Monday, April 13, 2009

Who Said You Could Stop Making Fun of the Matrix?

"I actually remember being entertained by both the sequels while in the theater. They just don't hold up nearly as well in later comparison."

Another, among many, great comics courtesy of If you aren't reading it... then go there now! Yes, right now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yesterday In Calvin and Hobbes: April 7, 1991

You know, I always hated that kid who just refused to leave the room regardless of the fact that he sounded like he was being killed by something large and unfriendly. Even if it might have been me a few times... cough.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yet Another Hey Ash Double Feature

"A flashback reveals Ash's machinations."

"Never accuse Ash of false advertising."

I have been holding these for a rainy day because they really weren't that great. Well it isn't exactly raining, but my original post is too large to finish tonight so you'll just have to settle for this.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Seven Pounds Impressions

"'Unremarkable' would be an upgrade for me..." said Will Smith's character, and I say that goes doubly so for this film. Seven Pounds felt like a rush from dramatic moment to dramatic moment that culminated in an ultimately insignificant ending. The acting was fairly flat as well, except for Rosario Dawson, which really surprised me since Will Smith generally does a good job in his films. In this film, however, it really just seems like the director told him to be on the verge of tears for the entirety of the film. I won't even go into Woody Harrelson's character because I honestly think they just told him to smile and act blind.

Despite all of that, I feel that this film's greatest failing is the fact that it wants to confuse you a bit too much. The film goes to such great lengths to mask its true intentions that the viewer is left with an overwhelming sense of alienation that makes it almost impossible to feel anything for the characters. Personally, when the twist of the film was finally revealed I didn't feel anything beyond the numbing sensation of having wasted my time.

I am awarding Seven Pounds two stars out of five because, needless to say, it thoroughly disappointed me. Way to ruin your streak Mr. Smith.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are Trailer

A movie about something from my childhood that actually looks pretty awesome? I can't believe it!

That aside, the song is Wake Up by Arcade Fire for those who care. I know I did, that's why I looked them up and got their albums... cough.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Next Zelda Game Will Have Cars?

So Nintendo has finally done it. They have finally given in to the GTA craze. Today, our favorite game developer released a statement saying that the next Wii Zelda title will switch out horses and carriages for cars and trucks. What are they thinking?! There is no possible way that this will work! Do they have any idea how many fans love the "medieval-esque" setting of the series?! This move is really just another money grab. E tu Nintendo? E tu?