"'Unremarkable' would be an upgrade for me..." said Will Smith's character, and I say that goes doubly so for this film. Seven Pounds felt like a rush from dramatic moment to dramatic moment that culminated in an ultimately insignificant ending. The acting was fairly flat as well, except for Rosario Dawson, which really surprised me since Will Smith generally does a good job in his films. In this film, however, it really just seems like the director told him to be on the verge of tears for the entirety of the film. I won't even go into Woody Harrelson's character because I honestly think they just told him to smile and act blind.
Despite all of that, I feel that this film's greatest failing is the fact that it wants to confuse you a bit too much. The film goes to such great lengths to mask its true intentions that the viewer is left with an overwhelming sense of alienation that makes it almost impossible to feel anything for the characters. Personally, when the twist of the film was finally revealed I didn't feel anything beyond the numbing sensation of having wasted my time.
I am awarding Seven Pounds two stars out of five because, needless to say, it thoroughly disappointed me. Way to ruin your streak Mr. Smith.
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