Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Stifled Creativity

My creativity will probably die
At a desk, or in a cubicle.
In an office on some rainy day
In mid-December,
Or in some business class seat
On a flight to some far away place.

My creativity will probably die,
But I can not step aside.
My legs will not allow me to.
Perhaps every step that I have taken
Up to this point
Has understood the burden
Of this seemingly inevitable truth?

My creativity will probably die
Because "they" will strike it down.
"They" will bludgeon it with grading scales and
Performance reviews.
Choke it with mortgages, college loans,
And insurance premiums.
"They" will lock my creativity away,
In some digitized safe,
To collect interest,
Compounded monthly.

My creativity will die,
And the only witnesses will be
The desks, the cubicles, the offices,
The business class seats,
And those rainy days in mid-December.

I hope you have better luck.