So here it is, my D*con follow-up. There was fun, celebrities, and lots of food (most of which was being served to other people). So yeah, I'll start with the staffing portion of the con because that took up most of my time. Well, since I chose a morning shift (7 am - noon) I had to wake up at 6 a.m. each of the days (except Sunday because I stayed up all night at the con) and walk all the way from my dorm to the convention. Now, google maps tells me that this is normally a 45 minute walk... but I did it in about 25 minutes each time. I walk too fast! Anyway, I was on staff for the ConSuite so I basically had to serve food to hundreds of people every morning. On Friday I made about 400 peanut butter and jelly , on Saturday tuna sandwiches, Sunday scrambled eggs and hash browns, and Monday I served old spaghetti and spam. Fun! So that's pretty much it for the work part. Now that I have paid my $20 and worked my designated 25 hours, I am eligible to staff for free at every Dragon*con for... ever? It's a lot of work, but a lifetime pass is pretty much amazing.

Now on to the actual Con part. The biggest pull this time around was without a doubt the celebrities. Friday morning I got the chance to pop in to the Shatner/Nimoy panel it was amazing. You could definitely tell that they are great friends. Anyway, I saw more celebs in the "walk of fame" area (Lou Ferrigno, Tom Felton, Felicia Day, Charisma Carpenter, Julies Benz, etc) and it was pretty awesome seeing them in real life. I know it's cliche, but you never really think about celebs as being real people, which I guess can be blamed on the media. So yeah, saw the celebs, looked at lots of merchandise, sat in on an amazing Buffy/Angel panel, and fell asleep at 4:20 a.m. during a rave (dumb, I know). There are plenty of other stories here, but I'll just keep them to myself for now. I included a little bonus photo at the bottom of this post so I'll just let you enjoy that. I'm already psyched about next year and I can't wait to see everyone in the ConSuite again! Later all.

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