Now I know that, about a month ago, I said "Blood: The Last Vampire (2009)" looked better than I imagined it would. After seeing the movie in its entirety, I can say that my statement was true... but the real question to be answered is whether or not the movie is any good. The answer? Not really.
Blood was fun to watch, for the most part, as the action sequences we fairly exciting (especially the one with the old man). What really let this film down was the overuse of bad CGI and the ball of pointlessness that the plot balled up into. Now, I am not saying that good CGI makes a good film, but I will say that bad CGI can ruin a decent one. Every slash or bullet wound in Blood was met with cheesy little squirts of poorly CGI'd blood that would have been alright on a small scale, but eventually just became a distraction. As for the plot, characters that you thought might be important were just killed off before you even really got to know their names and seemingly important plot points were skimmed over and vaguely fleshed out. Because of this, the film was never able to get any real footing and by the end it wasn't even all that clear as to what the main character was fighting for at all.
My biggest problem with this film, however, was Alice, the co-main character. After the first half hour or so she really didn't even seem like a character in the film so much as she seemed like some sort of conduit for the writers. She was able to talk about things that she couldn't possibly know anything about and come to realizations that made absolutely no sense but were somehow true. All this while whining, being completely helpless, and somehow handling the fact that her entire life up to that point has essentially been destroyed for no good reason.
I am awarding Blood: The Last Vampire (2009) two stars out of five for having exciting action sequences, but losing track of its plot about half of the way through. I honestly think the creators of the film got tired of trying to pull together a coherent plot and just decided to dash CGI over everything and string it together with a few poorly placed speeches. Not unlike most of the big movies this summer had to offer. And no, I won't point out a couple of examples like Transformers 2 and X-Men Origins: Wolverine. That would just be unnecessary.
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