So yes, this post will be the first in a hopefully brief series of posts that I will be doing while I recover from having all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. Why not just go on hiatus, you ask? Well to put it simply, because then I would be extremely, extremely bored.
There was a complication during the procedure that dealt with my problem tooth, the wisdom tooth on my bottom left that had come in completely on its side, that involved one of the tooth's nerves having grown into some nerves at the base of my jaw bone. Luckily the oral surgeon I went to is amazing because he realized it in time and after having to prop open my jaw insanely wide he was able to leave part of that tooth in and just sewed the gum over it. He said the skin will just grow over it but he's going to check it during my post-op appointment to make sure. It's kind of weird that a tooth can just be left buried in your gums without any problems, though. But hey, what do I know? My jaw feels like someone stood in my mouth for some ungodly period of time though.
Also, I was lucky that he noticed that the root had grown into the nerves at that point because if he had mistakenly removed it then I might have had some permanent numbness or other such problems.
Anyway, the comic is from a series called Super Effective, which is done by the same guy behind the popular VG Cats web comic. If you can't tell, it spoofs the original pokemon games with surprising accuracy. Enjoy!
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