I have been avoiding this for a while now, but I suppose it is finally time to write a SHORT initial review of Dragonball Evolution. I'm calling this an "initial" review because the version of the film I viewed was a cam, so needless to say it wasn't the best watch ever. Not that I expect a clearer version to save this mess.
Dragonball Evolution was a complete waste of time and energy that fails in almost every respect. Not surprised? Well you should be. Most people have been expecting a poor adaptation of their lovable anime series which, however, I can say Dragonball Evolution is not. The film is so loosely based on the Dragon Ball anime that it can scarcely be called an adaptation at all. The writers basically just took a list of names and vague backstory explanations and went to town. So what was the end result of this process? A terrible, awful, horrific movie which I honestly prefer over a terrible, awful, horrific Dragon Ball movie. Don't watch this film expecting to see the latter because it just isn't there. Seriously, the Kamehameha is just an advandced "air bending" technique in the film. Yes, apparently one of the writers had a kid who watched Avatar: The Last Airbender and decided that since Dragon Ball looked similar he could just blend a few aspects into his script. Fire bending is mentioned as well, I believe. I would get into the acting and dialogue, but I don't feel like looking up about a dozen different ways of saying awful, bland, and nauseating. Respectively, of course.
So I am going to give Dragonball Evolution an initial rating of half a star out of five for its complete waste of time and funding. The thing that scares me the most about this film is that someone thought that it was worth releasing. Bleh.