So I have finally decided to venture into the realm of book reviews. Why not, right? And what better way to start than with my favorite book? Ever.
Seriously, I am in love with this book. I saw the film a few months ago and, big surprise, loved it. The book, however, was tremendously better. Sure, a book being better than films based on it isn't a new phenomenon, but Let the Right One In doesn't suffer from the transition.
Differences Between the Novel and the Film: The film cuts out a lot of the grit and "controversial topics" that are explored in the novel. This is understandable though seeing as they wanted to give it as wide of a release as possible and the novel is very dirty. Also, a number of characters, and/or their backgrounds and storylines, are left out of the film as well. This is probably because of time constraints, of course, but the film adds a level of mystery to Eli by not fully disclosing "her" past. Almost all of the vampire lore is also left out of the film, but that isn't really something that you'd want in a film if you can't go into it fully.
So yes, Let the Right One In is dark, gritty, and intelligent. It kind of turns the vampire genre on its head by making you feel for the blood thirsty monster that kills to live. The characters are colorful, tormented, well developed, and well, human. They feel like real people as opposed to just characters in a story. The novel explores the vampire mythos like few others have and is a definite breath of fresh air in a Twilight polluted world. It doesn't hold anything back or paint any pretty pictures. Lindqvist is a true genius of the horror genre.
I won't be grading books like I have been films and games, but I will say that Let the Right One In is a must read by anyone who loves a good story. Still, it is definitely not a book for children or even squeemish adults.
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