Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Eagle Eye Impressions [Possible Spoilers]

It sure has been a while since I did a movie review. I had to go all the way back to the Dark Knight review I did back in July. Crazy.

Anyway, I'll begin by saying this: Eagle Eye was a pleasant surprise. Sure, people told me it was pretty good before I eventually went to see it. Sure, it topped the box office the week of its release (though it only made 29.1 million). I've never been one to judge purely on what I've been told so I went to see the film last weekend and I must say that I enjoyed it for the most part. Shia LaBeouf did an excellent job and he and Michelle Monaghan had great on screen chemistry. Hell, even Billy Bob Thornton played a great "grumpy" FBI agent. The action sequences in the film were also fairly intense so go ahead and throw that in the "plus" pile as well.

So yes, the acting and action sequences were great, but what kept the movie in its entirety from being just as great was its unbelievability. There were just too many times when I had to shake my head and say "no way." I know that it was just a movie, but I always judge believability in terms of a movie's sphere of logic to avoid being unfair. By the end I felt as though the writer's wrote against the antagonist of the film so drastically that it really broke the character's "personality." Also, the film as a whole felt way too much like 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Fugitive for me to be comfortable saying that it was any way original.

Eagle Eye was not a disappointment because I expected it to be a lot worse, but it still had some major flaws. I grant this film 3 stars out of 5 for having great acting and intense action, but also being too unbelievable and unoriginal.

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