I must honestly say that this feels like the first time I have ever seen a "true" comic book movie. The Dark Knight was perfect. The suspense, the themes, the visuals, the characters, everything. I actually felt like I was watching a graphic novel play through on the screen. I would also have to say that this film is probably the most ambitious Batman film to date as it is the first to really get into the darker side of the comics. It wasn't afraid of moving away from the more comical style we've seen in the previous movies and entering a grittier and more realistic one.
Also, this was the first Batman movie that fit together without having to focus on just one person or event. It didn't need the half-baked "doomsday plan" structure most comic book movies go for. It didn't require that we follow Bruce Wayne all over Gotham in his attempt to establish himself as a "defender of justice." Sure, we saw him grow, but we also saw the growth of a number of other characters as well. We saw the rise and fall of Harvey Dent. The moral struggle between Gordon and his unit. The coup d'etat lead by the Joker on Gotham City's criminal underworld. One of the biggest mistakes made by movies these days is the belief that the action needs to focus on the protagonist to hold the attention of the audience.
Two thumbs up for all of the cast, but I must say that Heath Ledger stole the show this time around. His rendition of The Joker was flawless. Now Jack Nicholson did an excellent job of playing the Joker in the first Batman film, but Heath's Joker made Nicholson's seem sane. He was truly sadistic and frightening. It's a shame that he won't be able to reprise the role. Aaron Eckhart also did an amazing job as Harvey Dent/Two-Face, and he was a much better fit for the role than Tommy Lee Jones was in Batman Forever. These two are probably the best comic book villiains I have seen in any movie, actually. Followed closely by Jack Nicholson's Joker, Willem Dafoe's Green Goblin (sans the crappy suit), and Jim Carrey's Riddler.
I am awarding The Dark Knight a well-deserved 5 stars out of 5 for being the biggest and most spectacular Batman film I have ever seen, as well as the best movie I have seen this summer. (And I have seen A LOT of movies this summer.) More like this DC!!
1 comment:
I can't believe you would talk bad about Wall-E... you jerk... It was the best movie so far... Also...
"It's not a comic book movie" by Dave Rogers of the Chicago tribune...
His first words of his article, were its no a comic book movie... Although i disagree, And i thought that this was a Batman Comic book movie, he is right, in saying that for the most part comics have a lighter side, and they arent as dark, although you are right this is a batman comic, and they were always darker in context. But when compared to Adam West's batman... this batman, is more like midnight, he is so dark.. But alas.. A good movie, not the best this summer but a good movie
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