This Doctor Who fan art was done by a friend of mine from deviantArt. (Btw the little thing next to the fake Doctor is a pull-string for all of those who don't get it.)
Not really too much to report on from this past weekend. My ancient Aunt came over from California to spend time with my mother so most of my "at home" time was spent tip-toeing around her and whatnot. The 4th of July was just any other day for me. I didn't spend it with anyone, unless of course you count the Silver Comet Trail as a person becuase in that case it and I would be considered the best of friends, and because my dad and brother were in Orlando at the time, we didn't even have a nice dinner. Well, unless you consider oriental style ramen a nice dinner. Mmm... oriental style ramen.
Anyways, my big plans for the weekend were supposed to take place on Saturday in the form of the Doctor Who season finale. This episode was to mark the ending of Russel T. Davies' position as head writer, and after what I saw in the finale I honestly can't wait for the switch. The episode before the finale left us with a huge cliffhanger ending that basically sent fans worldwide straight to the forums for speculation and whatnot. Well, when the episode finally aired, that cliffhanger was wrapped up in the first five minutes. Five minutes. It was like one of those "Boo! Just kidding..." kind of moments where the person says that they are kidding way too fast and it ruins the whole thing.
Continuing from that, the episode itself was written in what I can only describe as the "safest" way possible. Seriously, no risks were taken at all in this episode. Just tie a ribbon on it and ship it off to the crazy grandmother that you never really visit. Pretty much everyone in the cast, including all of the lame characters from the two spin-off series, got out "unscathed" from what was supposed to be a threat that, well, threatened the entirety of reality itself. Not a single cut or bruise was given to anyone. Moving along, everything in this episode was just too convenient to be convincing and at one point one of the characters actually looked right into the camera and smiled. I don't know if this was something that the editors missed or what, but that really only served to be the proverbial "pickle on the crap sandwich" that was this finale, as Dr. Elliot Reid so kindly puts it. We didn't even get the patented "What?!" ending that has marked the past two Tenth Doctor finales, which kind of killed me a little inside.
Anyways, I am glad Davies is gone, though I heard he would be writing the Christmas special this year (I hope it's just a rumor), because the show really needs a breath of fresh air. I mean, how many times are we going to see the Cybermen and the Daleks in this new series?! The old series has hordes of creatures that could be drawn upon and hopefully the new head writer will do just that.
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