My thanks to kotaku.com for the coverage of the event.
Pardon the cheesy title, but for all of you who have been following Nintendo's Fall Press Conference, it really shouldn't surprise you that I am quite excited. Nintendo decided to hold their own conference this year in light of the fact that they wouldn't be attending TGS next week. I couldn't really care less because what they revealed at the conference was about two to three steps past amazing. Aside from the huge number of games that would be coming to both the DS and the Wii in the upcoming year, Nintendo officially announced their new version of the DS, the DSi.

I know what you're thinking, "why do we need a new DS? I just bought my Lite!!" Well, the DSi will feature a built in camera, an internet browser, a DSiware "channel", an SD slot (which peaks my interest because I know this feature will be exploited in a matter of days), and two 17% larger screens (they are dropping the GBA slot) among other things. As of now, Nintendo has no plans of bringing the DSi to the states until later 2009 (whatever that means), but Japan is expected to get the new handheld November 1st. Yes, this upcoming November 1st. It's insane.
Also in big news, Nintendo has finally decided to grant us Americans access into their "rewards" program appropriately titled Club Nintendo. Yes, you'll finally be able to take all those cool Nintendo surveys, and register all of your awesome Nintendo products to collect points that will eventually net you "premium" items. All I can say to this announcement is that it is about damn time. Hell, South Africa got access before we did. South Africa.
Anyways, because Kotaku has been awesome enough to provide coverage of the event, I will provide you with links relating to everything I talked about and more. That's right, I am going to extreme lengths to link other sites to text on my own. Yeah, you're welcome.
*Note: The links with asterisks at the end are videos. You should really see them because a lot of the upcoming games look really cool. I only hope that all of them are bound for non-Japanese shores as well.
DSi News
- Nintendo Announces New DS: The Nintendo DSi
- First Look At New Nintendo DSi in Action************
- DSi To Hit Europe in Spring 2009
- Let's Compare the DS Lite and the DSi
- Could the DSi Encourage Piracy?
- DSi Not Bound For U.S. Until Well Into Next Year
- Get A Good, Close Look At The DSi
- Close Up With The DSi (Alright, Who's Buying?)
- More About DSi Camera, DSi Sound
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