My computer problems have finally been squared away, for the most part at least, so now I suppose it's time to get back to blogging...
Repo! The Genetic Opera has been getting a lot of buzz from certain "scenes," and I read a bit about it before its initial release so let's just say I have had my eye on it for a while now. A suspicious eye, mind you, but mine all the same. Why suspicious? Because Repo! is a dark and gory musical, which I am sure you have
never heard the likes of before, with a cast far below that of the afore mentioned link. Sure, I enjoyed
Anthony Head's role in
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but Paris Hilton's singing, among others, offset that enjoyment tenfold. I mean seriously, the majority of the musical numbers in this film were just terrible. They felt forced and awkward and the overexaggerated gore just made me feel even more nauseated. I am not squeamish in the slightest when it comes to blood, but this
Planet Terror style of gore is just distasteful and downright cheesy.
On the lighter side, the settings in the film were very well done and the costume work was great as well. I also enjoyed the interjections of comic-style panels to tell the character's backstories. None of this, however, was enough to make me enjoy this film.
I am awarding Repo! The Genetic Opera one star out of five because of the terrible musical numbers, and overly gory scenes. This film is just another case of an interesting concept being ruined by poor directing and even poorer casting. The film is right about one thing though. It is the "instant cult classic" that the poster ever so bluntly suggests. I mean, no one else could possibly like it.