Friday, January 16, 2009

Doctor... Who?

For all of you who aren't watching Britain's long running Sci-fi show Doctor Who, it was announced a few weeks ago that Matt Smith (that's the guy in the video) would be replacing David Tennant as the 11th incarnation of the title character. Many are saying that they expect to see Matt's portrayal as a much more serious Doctor, but I have my doubts. I do, however, see him playing a much more arrogant Doctor. He will be the youngest actor to play the role and he doesn't exactly have the longest imdb profile in the world. (It actually took some doing to even find it) I don't know, I will definitely be sad to see David go, but I suppose he couldn't play the role forever... even if we all want him to.

01/17/2009: Also, is it just me, or is Mr. Smith trying a bit to hard to act like the Doctor in this interview? What is with all of the unusual hand movements?

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