Wow it has been a while since I last did an "Impressions" post. Well, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the PS3 is a good enough game to break that dry spell with.
I'll begin by saying that I had no intention of playing this game. My new roommate owned it and it looked like an easy time killer. Though during the duration of the game I quickly realized that I was very, very, wrong. Drake's Fortune was not by any means and easy time killer. It was a very difficult time killer. And by very difficult I mean pull your hair out difficult. There were seriously points in this game where I felt like I was walking to my death every time I stepped around a corner. And I was playing on Normal. It was just that much of a ball buster.
That being said, I found this game's difficulty to be it's best point. The challenge it presented was all that really kept me playing. The graphics were what I expected from a PS3 game. Lush environments and well designed mechanics. The game play basically ran like Prince of Persia mixed with Tomb Raider with better voice acting and dialogue than both. (I think they picked up real actors for this one instead of just random interns we usually see in games) You scale conveniently cracked walls and buildings, solve simple puzzles, and shoot hordes of enemies. The story was entertaining enough but it was really just your run of the mill "treasure hunters" plot line filled to the brim with mercenaries, bad puns, car chases, Nazis, evil British old guys, and lots of explosions. Not that any of that stuff is bad, well I'm not too big on bad puns, it's just that the game didn't score too many points in originality.
The real marvel of this game comes to you in the collecting of treasure, 60 hidden trinkets scattered throughout the entirety of the game, and the enemy AI. Seriously, the enemies in this game were amazing. They could set up ambushes, dodge out of the way when you shot at them, take cover and pop out to shoot, and toss grenades that will land at your feet no matter where you are. Not to mention they had the aiming abilities of gods. If you are in their line of sight then they will hit you. Hell, sometimes they'll even hit you if you're not in their line of sight.
So even though your death count will hit somewhere in the hundreds, I know mine did, Drake's Fortune will thrill and chill you to the very end. Though the story and game play could have been a bit more original. I give Uncharted: Drake's Fortune 3.5 stars out of 5 for it's great voice-acting and challenging situations.
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