No, that isn't my cell phone, but I am sure it isn't too far off the mark. Today I went to Carrowinds, a theme park in North/South Carolina, with my family and while I was riding one of the coasters my phone fell out of my pocket and into the bubbling, boiling, water below. Well, it wasn't really bubbling or boiling... but it sounds a lot cooler that way so that's how I'm going to tell it. Anyway, I actually didn't even realize it had fallen out until the kid sitting next to me pointed it out as we were going back to the docking. The ride was called the NightHawk and it is a fairly standard coaster except for the fact that you go through the ride on your back. What hurts the most about the whole thing, however, was that I waited in line a little over an hour and a half just to ride this lackluster ride... oh, and lose my phone.
Ah well I suppose, it's just really annoying being without a phone after having one close to you for the previous seven or so years. It's amazing how much we rely on cell phones nowadays. I couldn't even check the time for the rest of the outing. Hopefully I will be able to get most of the numbers I had back, and my ring tones are saved on my computer, but all of my texts and pictures are gone for good. Sigh... I hope this isn't a precurser to worse events.
1 comment:
That super super sucks... so Sorry about the message on facebook... stupidly i checked facebook before this so i didn't know that you had explained it a little better then before... and I am sorry. but oh well, anyway hope you get a new phone soon, cause you are right, we rely on them so much, anyway hope you get a better phone too, like your brother got... *wink wink*
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