Monday, August 11, 2008

The Dark Knight- Joker Interrogation Scene Spoof

"Alternate take of Batman and the Joker's first conversation in The Dark Knight.

*Okay this question's getting asked a lot so just to be clear: I play the Joker, and I play Batman. Same guy. I did everything except punch myself in the face, which came compliments of my friend Robert (I think you can see how much he enjoyed it). Thank you all for watching."

While The Dark Knight is quickly becoming one of the most popular movies of all time, you just can't help but cringe when you remember how gruff the editors made Batman sound. I know they were trying to go for the big, rough looking, Batman we saw during the Dark Knight era, but I could barely understand what he was saying for most of the movie. Ah well, it was still an awesome film and this video is equally as awesome. This guy is really talented, he plays both parts here if you couldn't tell, and you can go here for more video hilarity from him and his friends.

This one is for you Jarred because I know you'll love it.

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