(I took this picture so I don't want to be bothered by any random admins about it...)
So I started my 3rd year of university this past Monday and I must say that this year, this semester at least, is looking up. My new roommate has a lot more to offer to the room than my last roommate did, he was a huge moocher, and one of my friends is rooming with my other friend across the "hall," our room is set up in a "suite" style which basically means behind an outer door there are two rooms connected by a small hallway and a bathroom. Our gaming power is probably the craziest thing about our current setup though. We have two PS3's, three Xbox 360's, Three Wii's, and two PS2's. Throw a few Nintendo DS's and PSP in the mix and you've got us.
On the actual academic side of things, classes are looking pretty good as well. I'm taking five classes this semester, 15 credit hours, and most of them are based on papers. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I have Intro To STAC(Science Technology and Culture) from 12:05 to 12:55 and the class is basically about different types of technology and their effect on the modern world. I then follow that with Modern Japan from 1:05 to 1:55 and, as the title suggests, it is basically about Japanese history. The professor of the class is a native Japanese who is extremely nationalistic. He makes sure to remind us about every class how impressive the Japanese people are.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Intro to Film from 12:05 to 1:25, Linguistics from 1:35 to 2:55, and Cognition and Culture from 3:05 to 4:25. Also on Tuesdays my Film class has a showing from 5:00 to 7:00. These classes are all alright, except for the fact that my Linguistics teacher is awful because she has terrible handwriting and refuses to use PowerPoint, and my Coginition and Culture class, which is a high-level Computer Science class that doesn't have any programming, is full of 5th years+, Grad students, and PhD students.
So yeah, this first week we didn't do too much but I don't think it will get too difficult throughout the semester. I'd probably have to say that my most interesting class will be Cognition and Culture as it is purely based on discussion and the topics are very deep. I just wrote a short paper today about how thought isn't limited to those who exist in a social environment. It was a fun write but I won't bore you with the details. Good luck to everyone else out there who just started a new semester. Hopefully you're hanging tough.