It sure has been a long time since I had a good rant. I suppose now is as good a time as any to do a little "mind cleaning." Firstly, though, I took the opening picture a couple of years ago while I was sitting around on a nice Spring day. I should have been in class though... but it was just so nice outside! You shouldn't be so quick to judge others, you know.
So the last month of the year has finally begun... crazy right? I miss the days when I actually cared about what time of the year it was, you know? Now I just kind of want to get through them all, which is kind of terrifying to me, having the beliefs that I do. I have tried to do more socializing this semester, even going as far as to visit a friend of mine's frat house, but I just can not seem to want to be around a bunch of people that I don't know. It's just not my thing. I am the antisocial guy who hates the fact that he is antisocial. At least I still have that close little circle of friends that never ceases to fill my time with amusement. Now I just need to figure out a way to get them to like doing things outside. It's free, fun, and good for you. Plus, I love the feeling of freedom I get while I am outside. Ah well, maybe next year will be different.
Anyways, have you ever thought of the fact that we live in such a big world? I mean, every person that you have ever met or seen has had some sort of life experience all their own. Every person in every car you have ever passed on the highway, every person that you have ever pushed through at the mall, they have all been alive up to that point. They didn't just appear from nothing for that one brief meeting and then returned to the abyss afterwards. I just find that to be such an amazing thing. I really wish that more people would stop their mindlessness to think about it.
Moving along, what I really want to discuss is the rather vast realization I came to this year while I was in the car with my best friend's fiance on our way to pick up another of my best friends. The world is completely driven by greed. Now I know that sounds cliche, but have you ever really thought out the idea completely? What makes this such a big issue for me is that it is so hard to think about because we have been raised on the idea of compensation. I mean, have you ever considered that everything we pay for could be manufactured for no cost to you, the manufacturer, and everyone in between if it wasn't for the fact that every human involved desires payment? When we see a house being built we wonder how much it is going to cost, correct? We think about the size of the house, what materials it is going to be made out of, what equipment will be needed to modify said materials, and how many workers it is going to take to put it all together.
Have you ever considered that if we lived in a society that didn't have the concept of "compensation" that the house could be built for nothing at all? Just the desire of humans to build a house? If individuals didn't require money for making the equipment and materials used to build the house, the workers didn't require money to put everything together, the land owners didn't require money for using the land, etc., then the house could still be built. Can you fathom that? People today can't seem to even comprehend such a thing. A house, or any structure for that matter, being built without any exchange of currency. But it could happen. There isn't a mystical money god out there that requires money to be spent before anything can get done. It is our own greed that drives that idea.
If I could acquire that proverbial "one wish" I would have to wish for a world that didn't require compensation for their actions and just created for the sake of progress. A Utopian society, I know, but it could work if we weren't bound by the beliefs we have now. This kind of idea would never be able to work in our current world because we have already tasted the sweetness of being paid for our labor. Maybe someday, though. In the meantime, I will be fervently working on that wish I mentioned. You should do a little work too.