Monday, December 29, 2008

Street Fighter... Evolution?

"Her strength. Her fury. Her vengeance. Will become legend."

No, no, it isn't really called "Street Fighter Evolution." You would, however, be hard pressed not to see striking similarities between this trailer and the recent Dragonball Evolution one. Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li will star everyone's favorite Smallville hottie, though I was always partial to Chloe myself, Kristen Kruek as the title character. The rest of the cast is poorly selected, at best, and this trailer really shows that underwhelming thrill I've seen all too often lately. (Though kudos for casting Liu Kang(Robin Shou) as Chun-Li's mentor) So needless to say, I am not looking forward to this film. I will see it of course, just don't ask me to be happy about it.

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