4 years ago
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Darker Side Of Nintendo
Saw this on Kotaku the other day. It was funny at parts, but for the most part I thought it was kind of dull. They tried a little too hard to make it dark and depressing, and the actors really reflect that. Hopefully future episodes will get better.
For more info on these webisodes, and some extra videos if you're interested, feel free to visit their main site. Have fun.
Monday, September 22, 2008
New Half-Blood Prince Photos

I recently learned through the french Potter fansite L'Univers de Harry Potter that over fifty new photos from the not so recently delayed film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, have been released on the net for the legions of fans to ogle while they wait for the July 2009 release. You can go here for a mega-mashup of all of the photos, or you can go to L'Univers' gallery to scroll through the Potter pics in their original sizes.
Anime Weekend Atlanta

So I went to AWA, that's Anime Weekend Atlanta to all of you non-nerds out there, this past Saturday with two of my roommates and I now realize why I didn't go last year. This was my 4th time going to the con and I still could not for the life of me understand why it's so popular. Now I wouldn't mind if it was a free convention like Momo Con, but paying over $35 for one day of lots of bad cosplay, the same four or five "celebrities," and lackluster panels is a practice that is beyond my understanding. Now my roommates and I were able to get free 3-day passes via my school's anime club, so I of course couldn't pass up the chance to look at overpriced anime merchandise, but otherwise I most definitely would have skipped the con a second time.
I did, however, run into a good friend of mine and his girlfriend and younger sisters while my friends and I judged cosplayers as they passed. (As a side note, the phrase "he who judges twice as harshly burns out twice as quickly" comes to mind at this particular point in time.) They were all dressed up and we had a few laughs, but he and aforementioned girlfriend got burned out around noon, they're new to the convention life so I forgave them, and left shortly after. My friends and I hung around for a few more hours, but after walking around the airplane hangar sized dealer's hall about eight times, a run in with an old girlfriend, and lots of bad cosplay we decided to call it quits. I will probably upload a few pictures once I hook my camera up to my computer, but as for now I leave you to Google-ing some for yourselves. Just note that if you're interested in a con, check online to make sure that it will have interesting panels to attend. Walking around amongst masses of people gets tiring very quickly.
To end with a spot of humor though, I find it quite amusing that a huge baby convention takes place at the same place every year as AWA. I can only imagine what those con-goers must be thinking when they see the massive crowd of cross dressers, sword wielders, and generally unusual individuals. I can only hope that they at least reconsider bringing more lives into this crazy world of ours.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Me, Myself, And A Playstation 3

As some of you may know, I recently purchased an 80 GB Playstation 3 along copies of Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed respectively. Well I received it Tuesday from the post office, in a rather hefty cardboard box, and I must say that I am loving my new little piece of techno-science. It has some really nifty features: wi-fi support, a Blu-ray player as well as a normal DVD player, a highly customizable home menu, an internet browser, and last, but not least, free online support. I plan on greatly expanding my library of games in due time, but I am so addicted to Call of Duty that it will probably be a while before I get anything. Besides, now that my three roommates and I now have three PS3's between us I will probably just grab a game or two of theirs before I reach into my own wallet. Or maybe I'll just mind control them into giving me all of their worldly possessions? Whichever comes first I suppose.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Separate Ways

"Fleeting love." A sudden burst of creativity and inspiration, silly hopes and far away dreams, and then nothing. Nothing but passing memories of happier times. It's such a funny feeling to feel.
Separate Ways
I was so sure
When we said goodbye
That I would be able
To say it again someday.
Was I wrong to hope
For such a thing?
With you gone,
Who will share
My dreary dreams?
My fragile hopes
And wishes
For such an uncertain future?
With you goes
That piece of me.
Riding on this lonely train
With the city lights passing by
Feels like something unnatural.
Something in definitive contrast
To that silly little fantasy
You and I created.
If I had just been
That selfish person you always wanted
You would be sitting beside me now,
But I could never love in that way.
I could never live
So recklessly.
This one last decision
Had to be my own.
I will not sit alone forever,
Someday this train will seat two once more,
But that dream we dreamt together
Will never be dreamt again.
No one else could ever captivate me
The way you did.
Astonishing still it seems
That we were able to dream for so long.
Perhaps that selfish person you desired
Was not so far from the surface?
Yet I could never love from that place,
Or keep you from what you deserved.
I could never live
With that part of me.
So you will have to hold on tightly.
Copyright © 2008 Jarred Lee
Friday, September 12, 2008
"How Come We Play War And Not Peace?"
Yeah, why is that? Aside from the fact that war is a lot more fun, of course. I mean, how would we go about playing peace? Would we just sit in a big circle and whoever moves the least wins? Or maybe whoever the most intimidating player is will just suggest the chance of war and the less intimidating players will bow to their whims? Hmm...

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I'd Rather Stay Awake
From Wikipedia
"A nightmare is a dream which causes a strong unpleasant emotional response from the sleeper, typically fear or horror, being in situations of extreme danger, or the sensations of pain, falling, drowning or death. Such dreams can be related to physical causes such as a high fever, turned faced down on a pillow during sleep (most often in the case of drowning nightmares), or psychological ones such as psychological trauma or stress in the sleeper's life, or can have no apparent cause. If a person has experienced a psychologically traumatic situation in life—for example, a person who may have been captured and tortured—the experience may come back to haunt them in their nightmares. Sleepers may waken in a state of distress and be unable to get back to sleep for some time."
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Dragon Ball The Movie: Can It Look Worse?

Yes people, another Dragon Ball movie post. Today Kotaku posted up a few screens from the upcoming Dragon Ball movie and I must say that I am shocked. I honestly didn't think I could be more disappointed with what they did with this film but today it was proven that I could, in fact, be more disappointed. Much more disappointed. I mean, can someone please explain to me why King Piccolo looks like some kind of albino vampire? Where is my green?! My green!! Oh, and why is Master Mutaito being played by the black guy from Ghostbusters? Bleh... I'll still be going to see the film of course, just for the fact that I want to personally see it crash and burn, but they could at least spare us some of the pain. Curse you Hollywood and your "idea" of what Americans want. Hit the link below the pictures of "Piccolo" for the full story and a few more photos.

Kotaku post: here
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