Name: Hamas Dal
Birthplace: Lindenwood
Childhood: Traumatic/Difficult
Training: Self-taught
- Learned to fight while he was traveling with a makeshift arena.
- Kill his father and anyone who sides with the orcs.
- See all there is to see.
- Running out of adventures to go on.
- The laughter of large crowds.
- Big spiders.
- Short temper when it comes to reasoning with others.
- Strong desire to get into fights.
- Collecting the limbs or innards of slain opponents.
- Wary of women.
Battle Cry: RAGE!
Hamas Dal was born in the
One month later she had fallen in love with a farmer named Mateus Dal and was married. When the happy couple discovered that Gwethana was pregnant, she revealed the events prior to her arrival in the village and that the child was most likely Proshnak’s. Mateus truly loved Gwethana so he agreed to go along with whatever she decided. Gwethana was a kind and well-learned woman, having been a doctor’s hand in her village, and she decided that the child should not be punished for the misdeeds of others. Thus, Hamas was allowed passage into this world.
Although Hamas was gifted with many human-like characteristics, he was still clearly not fully human. This proved to make his childhood all the more difficult because the other residents of the village feared him and forbid most of the other children from having anything to do with the Dals, though Hamas was able to secretly make friends with a few of them. When Hamas was ten years old, Mateus Dal passed away from a sickness that plagued the village. The passing of Mateus was a severe blow to Gwethana and Hamas, especially to the latter for he was still unaware of his orc heritage, and they virtually withdrew from Lindenwood, though Hamas would still make weekly visits to the market to deliver crops and animals. Gwethana, however, became much more reclusive and could rarely be seen outside of the farm’s main house.
Eight years passed like this, but when Hamas was eighteen a rash of animal slaughtering gripped the village and he was blamed for the crime, the villagers being ignorant and untrusting of other races. Gwethana Dal, after hearing from the old innkeeper who had nursed her to health years before about a plot to kill Hamas, quickly called the boy into the house and gave him a pack full of food and an old hunting knife that had belonged to Mateus. She told Hamas to go into the nearby mountains and catch a deer for the next day’s supper. Hamas, seeing that the innkeeper was visiting, accepted without question and left immediately.
When he returned the next evening he found that the farm had been completely burned. Dropping his gear and catch, Hamas ran to the remains of his home and began sifting through the wreck, all the while calling out desperately for his mother. After a few hours of frantic searching, Hamas finally stumbled upon the charred remains of his mother and was enraged by the sight. He ran as fast as he could to Delcor’s inn to question the old man about the events of the previous night. Hamas arrived at the inn to find Delcor being attended to on one of the inn’s tables by his wife and one of the village’s physicians. When Delcor saw Hamas he sent his wife and the physician away and beckoned Hamas closer. Delcor told Hamas that not soon after he left a group of villagers came to the farm looking for him demanding that he take responsibility for the animal slaughtering. When Delcor came out to reason with them he was stabbed and knocked to the ground. The last thing he remembered before he lost consciousness was the villagers setting fire to everything, and when he awoke he was facedown in the dirt outside of his inn.
After hearing the story, Hamas flew into a rage and began smashing chairs and turning over tables. After destroying most of the bar, he finally fell to his knees and began sobbing and beating the worn wooden floor. Delcor, who had been silent throughout all of this, weakly approached Hamas and dropped sealed letter in front of him. He told Hamas that Gwethana had given it to him just before the villagers came with the instructions to only pass the letter on to Hamas if he saw him again with his own eyes. Hamas, ignoring the letter, jumped to his feet and grabbed Delcor by the shoulders and lifted him into the air. He demanded that Delcor tell him the names of the people who burned down his home and killed his mother. Delcor pushed the boy away and as he left the room he told Hamas that he would not stain Gwethana’s memory with blood.
Hamas, shocked by the old man’s sudden violence, slunk back slowly and collapsed on the floor. While laying there he spotted the letter lying not far from him. He quickly snatched it up and tore it open. The letter was a goodbye note from his mother saying that she sensed that her end was near and that Hamas shouldn’t worry. The letter continued by revealing to Hamas the truth about his conception and that Mateus was not his real father and Proshnak was. After reading all of this, Hamas realized that it all made sense and that this was the reason why the town hated him. He then quickly moved to the door of the inn and after grabbing a cloak off of the nearby wall, disappeared into the night.
Hamas spent the next few weeks drifting through the villages in the area and eventually found his way into a makeshift arena where he spent his days fighting other men for sport and currency. Hamas spent the next five years traveling with the arena and eventually became its champion. When the arena’s manager was killed in a massive brawl and the arena shut down, Hamas found himself to be a twenty-three year old man with no real knowledge of the world. Sure, he had spent many pleasant nights at numerous brothels with the other fighters, but he knew that there had to be more to life than that, and he remembered that dreadful day at Lindenwood and his mother’s letter. It was then that he vowed to see all of Varathon and kill Proshnak and as many orcs as he could.
A few weeks after this resolution, Hamas was approached at a tavern not too far from Lindenwood by a grizzled, and hefty, man. The man said that he was on a quest to rid the area of a pack of dire wolves that had been terrorizing the countryside for years and that Hamas looked the type that may be in the business of assisting him. Hamas, realizing where he was, came to the sudden conclusion that the dire wolves must have been responsible for the animal slaughterings all those years ago. This realization brought him a moment of bitter amusement and he agreed to help the man, who introduced himself simply as Grenthon. They set out from the tavern the next day, with solemn determination, in search of the wolves. While they traveled, Grenthon told Hamas stories of his many adventures throughout the world. Hamas was so intrigued by the tales that after the two men had slain the wolves and gone their separate ways he decided that he too would become an adventurer and see the world. It would also give him a chance to seek revenge against the orcs and track down his biological father.
Ten years have passed since Hamas decided to become an adventurer, and over that time he has experienced many battles, slain many orcs, traveled with many parties, and seen many interesting things. But, there will always be more to see.