While tonight's Lost was fairly slow paced in comparison to the past few episodes of this season, it was by no means filler. This episode was extremely information-laden and most of the questions surrounding the return of the "Oceanic Six" were cleared up and we get a good glimpse at how the "survivors" attempt to adapt to what remains of their lives before the island. I will now list as many of the episode's revelations as I can remember.
- Another Darma facility, The Orchid, was introduced and Ben reveals that the only way to move the island is somewhere inside.
- We are shown how the "Oceanic Six" arrive in Hawaii and their first press conference, where they recite the fake story they rehearsed about their time on the island. Jack states that only 8 people made it to the shore of the island, Kate states that Aaron is her child, Hurley states that he doesn't want his money back, Sun states that her husband, Jin, died when the plane crashed, and Sayid states that there is no possibility of there being any more survivors.
- Sayid is surprised to meet Nadia, his old lover, outside of the hangar that the conference was held in.
- After the conference, Sun returns to Korea where she reveals to her father that she has purchased the controlling share of his company and that she blames him, and someone else, for Jin's death.
- Hurley is thrown a surprise party by his parents but he is apprehensive and when he sees that the mileage on the Camaro that his father fixed up for him reads as the numbers, he gets upset and runs from the house.
- Jack finally holds the wake for his father, and afterwards is approached by Claire's mother who reveals that Jack and Claire were siblings.
- Jack and Kate go into the jungle to search for the helicopter and Jack's stitches have apparently begun to bleed. They meet up with Miles, Sawyer, and Aaron and Sawyer gives Aaron to Kate and follows Jack as he heads for the helicopter.
- Jack and Sawyer find Frank handcuffed to the helicopter where Frank commands them to help him loose so that they can escape before Keamy and his men return. Sawyer reveals that Hurley is still with Locke and Ben.
- Sayid makes it to shore and leaves Daniel with the boat so he can begin ferrying people to the freighter. Sayid and Kate follow after Jack and Sawyer.
- Daniel brings the first load to the freighter, the only major characters I noticed were Sun, Jin, and Aaron, where they meet with Michael. Michael explains how he got back to civilization with Walt and how he became a member of the freighter's crew. When Sun and Jin state that he is working for Ben, Michael becomes defensive and denies that he is working for Ben and that he is only there to help everyone escape the island.
- Locke, Hurley, and Ben, reach the Orchid to find that Keamy is already lying in wait there. Ben instructs Locke to enter the facility through a hidden entryway while he creates a distraction for the mercenaries. The episode ends with Ben revealing himself to Keamy and being knocked out by Keamy's gun.
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