Ron Howard really did Dan Brown's best-selling novel a complete injustice this time around, as opposed to the great injustice he did to the Da Vinci Code. I mean, the film isn't even set as a prequel! Rarely do I see such a popularity siphoning move. Just because Da Vinci Code is a bit more recognizable doesn't mean that Angels & Demons can't hold its own. I personally prefer it over the Da Vinci Code.
Now, even if you are somehow able to look beyond the many major differences between the film and the book (if you read the book , that is), this film flies through important plot points without stopping for air and then just keeps on flying to the very end. The film flies so quickly, in fact, that you would probably be hard pressed to catch the majority of the character's names. Angels & Demons never allows the viewer to form a connection with anything that is going on because the characters just seem to be jumping from event to event. The downside to this? For all of the chaos, you will still feel every second of this 140 minute disaster.
I am awarding Angels & Demons one star out of five. Not even Tom Hanks could save this mess. The film was a pain to watch and an utter waste of time.