I came into this film as skeptical as anyone else (I even called it "Pocahontas in Space" for a few months prior to its release), but I was very much impressed with what I saw, both during the regular viewing and the digital 3D viewing.
First, I think I will go ahead and get the smaller bits out of the way: the acting was good, the characters were interesting, the music was kind of what you would expect from a movie like this (switching between large orchestrated pieces and more tribal drum beats with "singing"). There.
Now what really stood out in "Avatar" was, of course, the CGI work. Pandora was simply beautiful and all of its creatures were just as impressive. What impressed me the most, however, were the Na'vi (the tribals). They were perfectly crafted down to the smallest details and, unlike the "prawns" in "District 9," they fit well into the environment (they weren't over animated). The voice work and motion capture work for the was exceptional as well.
What seems to be drawing the most attention for "Avatar" is the "familiarity" of the plot (which is understandable). Sure, it isn't particularly deep or unpredictable, but it isn't anything less than what you'd see from any Disney classic. Also, this film is only relatable to all of those other films from the most basic and general viewpoints. Man meets tribal race. Tribal race takes man in for one reason or another and teaches him their ways. Man falls in love with a tribal and ends up saving them from his own people. End. "Avatar" as a whole, however, feels like much more than that. The avatar technology alone is enough to give this film suitable distinction, and that still leaves out a lot of the other factors (like the whole bio-USB thing).
I am awarding "Avatar" four and a half stars out of five for being wonderfully crafted, but still lacking a bit plot-wise. This film reminded me of exactly what I liked about "Pocahontas" and science fiction and I would definitely recommend that you see it (especially in 3D). This is the first movie that I am actually anticipating the Blu-ray release of.