I was very disappointed with "Iron Man 2." The first film had a nice balance of action and humor while still making you feel like what you were seeing was important. "Iron Man 2," however, focuses far too much on the "humor" (bad jokes and overly long dialogue) and leaves you pondering the question of whether or not what you are watching is at all significant. Also, what little action there was felt kind of cheap. Not in flashiness, (it is still a big budget Marvel film), but in content. Every one of the three or so "fights" felt too easy and very much anticlimactic.
What "Iron Man 2" did well, though, was tease about three upcoming Marvel films. I won't say anything about them, but I will say that it just felt... wrong. Like my money was just being used for these other films and everything else they are showing me is just filler. Why can't they just make a solid film with all of the teasers and whatnot at the end?
The only thing I even remotely liked about the film was the acting, and like I said before, the dialogue did not do them any kind of service.
I am awarding "Iron Man 2" a very disappointing two and a half stars out of five for losing the feeling of "significance" that the first film had, having very little action, and for focusing too much on "humor." On a lighter note, however, I am now excited for those three other movies I mentioned. So, no big loss... right?