I'm not sure yet whether or not I will make this a regular thing, but I'll just continue with it for the time being.
Friday: A few friends and myself traveled across town to what used to be Stone Mountain Park, but had seemingly become some freakish mixture of a mall and a theme park. Seriously, what kind of park has a Starbucks? A freaking Starbucks! Who comes out to a mountain, lays down their blanket, and says, "You know what? I could totally go for a Mocha Frappuccino right about now." It's just pathetic. I remember when people just came out to throw around the old Frisbee, hike around in the woods, maybe take the lift up to the top of the mountain, and then watch the laser show when it got dark. From what I saw the new norm has become: drop the kids off at the huge play park, maybe take Grandma on a ride around the mountain in a train that now costs about $10 a person, buy two hot dogs and a single nacho (There is no way anyone can convince me that what my friend bought was a double as he only got one bag. How do they give you one fricking little bag and tell you to split it?!) for an outrageous $15 dollars, and then walk around the huge, air-conditioned, gift shop for a few hours. Oh, and then watch the laser show. I guess some things don't change. Oh wait, half the freaking show is a Chik-fil-a commercial! How long are they going to push the whole cow thing? Indiana Steer? Are you kidding?
The whole place has become completely tourised. I think they even built a Marriott Resort somewhere close to the mountain. I honestly believe when I go back in what is sure to be five to six years, they'll have carved out the inside of the mountain and turned it into an actual mall. At least then they would be completely out in the open with what their plans for the park are. After the laser show, we dropped off one of my friends back at his house and then went to Waffle House for dinner at like one a.m. After that I crashed at my friend's house as per usual during this summer break.
Saturday: Lazed around at my friend's house for most of the day, went out for lunch, and then saw Wall-E around five. After that my friend and his girlfriend went back to his house and waited while his dad cooked steak for dinner. It was a little redder than I was used to, but it was still great. Besides, my parents are insanely paranoid about such things. The slightest sign of pink means back to the grill. Anyhow, we hung out in my friend's room for the rest of the night, watched a movie, and then watched the latest episode of Dr. Who. (I can't wait for the finale this upcoming weekend!)
Sunday: Woke up early despite the fact that I had gone to bed at about four. Blogged about Wall-E and checked up on all of my usual sites since I had not been home since Friday afternoon. My friend's girlfriend came back over around eleven and laid in the bed with him because, unlike me, he likes sleeping for more than four hours. It was nice to see and all, seeing as I helped a little in getting them together in the first place, but it was kind of depressing too. The worst thing for lonely people are people who aren't, you know? Anyhow, I snatched The Sword of Shannara trilogy off of my friend's shelf when I got bored with my mindless web surfing, I must have gone to the same four or five sites about fifty times each, and began reading it. I read the Heritage series ,which comes after this trilogy, a few years ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I just never got around to reading this series because college destroys all desire for personal reading. After a while of reading I asked my friend if he could take me home as I finally felt I'd overstayed my welcome. I don't really remember anything after I got back home because it was about to rain so I couldn't go for my usual sixteen-plus mile bike ride that has become customary for slow summer Sundays.
Well that was fun. I just may continue doing this every week. At least until school starts because I am sure any weekend retrospectives written after that can be summed up as "Woke up around eleven, sat in front of the computer, went to dinner at six, played Smash Bros. Brawl until about four a.m., went to sleep, repeat." Sad but true folks. Sad but true.